Wednesday, August 31, 2011

September meeting?!?

Anyone interested in hosting our September meeting? We need you! Please let me know ASAP so we can agree on a date in September. Looking forward to meeting you all again soon. FYI, I am proof that this works, I assisted one of our neighbors last month with a reverse mortgage!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Have a great summer!

We will have our next meeting in SEPTEMBER, time, date, and place, all TBD  (need a new location)!
Please feel free to reach out if you need any professional services, your neighbors are here to help....

Saturday, April 16, 2011

1st meeting is a HIT!

Over a dozen of our neighbors met this week to see if this group has legs, and the answer is YES!  The casual one hour format went very well, with many neighbors learning about their friend's businesses for the first time.  The really exciting news is that we are hearing about real business being done as a result.  Thank you to all who attended, I truly appreciate your enthusiasm and participation!

OUR NEXT MEETING WILL BE MAY 23rd at Ken Day's home, 7pm.  Same format as last time, learn all about your neighbors, share referrals and stories again soon!

Friday, March 11, 2011

We are just getting started!

 We will be adding names and business information after our first meeting in April and as they are submitted. Please stay tuned, as we want to make this YOUR SOURCE for local, reputable businesses to turn to.

The purpose of this group is to give Parkland Reserve homeowners an alternative to paid networking groups such as BNI, etc.  There will be NO DUES, and 1 hour bi-monthly meetings is the schedule that we are considering.  The goal is to have a place where like minded business people can get together and exchange thoughts and ideas about what they do for a living and so that our neighbors know WHAT WE DO! 

In addition, this can be the central directory for those looking for services in the local area.

If you would like to be included in this directory, please email me and I will gladly add your listing -